We received 2nd place in the INcluye 2024 Ranking!

This recognition highlights Quipux’s commitment and leadership in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


A Digital Ecosystem
for Cities

We support governments and citizens with the completion and approval of procedures in the digital culture.

Road Safety

Solutions that reduce traffic injuries and fatalities, as well as promote order on the road.

Generating Value Through Strategy

We create solutions that help staff members focus on the strategic and leave operational tasks behind.

Your Reputation Allies

We support the authorities through technology to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens.

Data-driven Decisions

The way we manage our data, allows governments to access it in an agile way and guarantees the contactability with citizens.

Effective Strategies for Collection

We generate revenue with strategies driven by Digital Marketing, Databases, and AI.

Sustainable Development Goals

Objective 3.6 seeks to reduce traffic fatalities or accidents by 50%.

Objective 16.6 focuses on developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.

Decade of Action for Road Safety

UN General Assembly Resolution 74/299 declared a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, with the goal to reduce road traffic deaths & injuries

By at least 50% during that period.

Wait No more

Government transactions fulfill a basic function: Connect people and firms with government services and obligations.

In an ideal world, they would be intuitive, fast, and transparent.

At Quipux we make sure we have the best technological alliances and programming languages to offer our customers more than what they expect.

Our solutions support governance in

We are a People First company

For people first companies, people are at the center of everything, and now we have the seal that guarantees it.

icon people first

Work with us and be a part of the digital culture!